
The Blue Fish Cafe and Restaurant


Situated near the main road into Portland, the Blue Fish Cafe & Restaurant is recommended by a great number of its customers for its seasonal menus, friendly staff and excellent quality food.

A very short walk from Chesil Beach, the Blue Fish Cafe & Restaurant is the perfect place to go before or after a long walk on the Beach.

Opening Times

June to September 2011
Breakfast - Weekends from 9:00am to noon
Lunch - Weekends from noon to 3:00pm
Evenings - Wednesday to Sunday from 6:45pm


Business Info

16-17A Chiswell, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1AN

01305 822991


Visit The Blue Fish Cafe and Restaurant Website

Please contact The Blue Fish Cafe and Restaurant directly if you have any queries. You can find their contact details above.

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